Monday, August 28, 2017

Michael Marrotti writes

Anything But the Truth

I ate the bait 
till I choked  
my thoughts 
into a belief

Maybe this 
time around 
he'll carry out 
the mantra

America First! 
America First!

I didn't vote 
for another war 
that would benefit 
the Zionists 

I didn't vote 
for another 
banking conquest 
the Rothschilds  
already have 
enough to eat 

This vote 
was for the  
goyim of  

the Synagogue 
of Satan 
who exploits 
our fears 
if need be  
into a global 

To attain 
what little is left 
the chosen 
choose the wars

They'll label this 
misleading rhetoric 
they'll vilify it 
or even suppress it 
they'll call it anything  
but the truth


  1. Jews believe that they are the “chosen people” of God due to a series of covenants. After God destroyed all life on Earth with a Great Flood, he promised Noah never to do so again and created the rainbow as the sign of this "everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth" (Genesis 9: 12-17). Noah was thus the ancestor of all humanity (the other descendants of Adam and Eve had perished in the flood.) The other covenants, however, applied only to the Jews. Genesis 12-17 featured three of them, between God and Abraham; in 12: 1-3, God promised to make Abraham’s descendants a great nation, and in 15:18-21 God granted them the land between the Nile and Euphrates rivers. But in 17: 2-14, God makes the earlier promises dependent upon the rite of circumcision. In Exodus 19-24 God promised to treasure the Jews above all others, "a kingdom of priests and a holy nation," if they obeyed the Ten Commandments he gave Moses; the Sabbath was the permanent sign of this covenant. At the same time god made a covenant with Moses’ brother Aaron for him and his descendants to serve as God’s priests as a precondition to the revelation of God revealing the "dwelling" or “settling" of his divine presence. Later (in Jeremiah 33: 17-21) God established David and his dynasty as the kings of Israel; this became a central aspect of messianic theology, since the Messiah must be a descendant of David.

  2. A “goy” or “gentile” is a “nokri,” a “stranger (a non-Jew) who is excluded from these covenants. Deuteronomy (7: 1, 12:2) prescribed that the goyim should be discriminated against. In Revelation 2:9, John claimed, “I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan,”and in 3:9, “Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie – I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know that I have loved you.” (“Synagogue” is Greek for a gathering place or assembly. The references are to false Christians as not Jews in the spiritual sense; true Christians were spiritual Jews, as Jesus proclaimed in John 4:22, "Salvation is of the Jews." In Romans 2:29, Paul defined the condition thusly: "He is a Jew who is one inwardly, and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from God."

  3. Centuries after most Jews had been expelled from the area promised to them in Genesis, Theodor Herzl published Der Judenstaat (The Jews’ State, 1896) urging the founding of an independent Jewish nation, although in the book he was open to its establishment in Argentina, and in 1903 Herzl’s World Zionist Organization agreed to investigate British Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain’s offer of 5,000 square miles in the Uganda Protectorate; after Herzl died in 1094 the WZO formally declined the British offer and decided to concentrate solely on the acquisition of the Biblical territory. (“Zion” was a mountain where the Jebusites had a fortress, but it was conquered by David and renamed Jerusalem, though the terms became synonymous; it also became a metonym for "the World to Come," the Jewish understanding of the afterlife; and to Kabbalists “Tzion” is the spiritual point from which reality emerges.) In a 2 November 1917 letter to Lionel Walter Rothschild, a former Conservative Member of Parliament and the future 2nd baron Rothschild) for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland, British foreign secretary Arthur Balfour announced his government’s support for a "national home" for the Jewish people in Palestine, then part of the Ottoman Empire. At the conclusion of World War I, the Treaty of Sèvres (1920) dissolved the Ottoman Empire and incorporated the Balfour Declaration; several months earlier the San Remo conference had established Palestine as a Class A mandate deemed to "have reached a stage of development where [its] existence as [an independent nation] can be provisionally recognized.” In 1948 David Ben-Gurion, the chairman of the executive committee of The Jewish Agency for Israel, proclaimed an independent State of Israel.

  4. The Rothschiild family took its name from the German “zum rothen Schild” ("with the red sign;” houses were designated by signs with different symbols or colors, not by numbers). In 1744 Mayer Amschel Rothschild was born in the Judengasse, the Jewish ghetto of Frankfurt am Main. The son of a trader and currency exchanger, he gained an apprenticeship with a Hannover bank, then joined his brothers as dealers in rare coins. Gaining patronage from crown prince Wilhelm of Hesse (later landrave Wilhelm IX of Hesse-Kassel), he began offering banking services as well. During the French Revolution he handled British payments for Hessian mercenary troops. In 1798 he sent his third son Nathan Mayer Rothschild to the UK to establish the family’s first foreign branch, engaged in textile importing; in 1804 Nathan became a British citizen and established a bank in London, while Mayer consolidated his position as Wilhelm’s principal international banker and began to issue his own international loans, borrowing capital from the landgrave. In 1806 Napoleon forced Wilhelm to flee to Holstein, but Rothschild continued as his banker, investing in British firms and circumventing Napoleon’s continental blockade. In 1808 Napoleon established the "Consistoire central des Israélites de France," making Judaism a recognized religion under government control; by tradition, it has been presided over by a Rothschild.

  5. In 1810 Mayer entered into a formal partnership agreement with his three oldest sons and sent his youngest son Jacob to Paris in 1811; he opened de Rothschild Frères in 1817; in 1815 de Rothschild Frère had £55,000 in capital; by 1852 the figure was £3,541,700 (£326 million in 2012 terms). The Paris bank financed Leopold I of Belgium, stabilized the finances of Louis-Philippe after his ascension to the throne in 1830, created in syndicate that raised the five billion franc indemnity to Prussia after the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871). Meanwhile, the family financed the duke of Wellington's armies in Portugal, requiring the sourcing of large quantities of gold on behalf of the British government. In 1812 Mayer died and was posthumously ennobled in 1817 by Franz I of Austria, who gave his sons the hereditary title of baron (freiherr) in 1822, allowing the family to add "de" or "von" to their names. His eldest son Amschel Mayer took over the Frankfurt bank and Salomon moved to Vienna, while Nathan turned the London branch (N. M. Rothschild & Sons) into one of Europe's most powerful banking institutions, arranging a £5 million loan to the Prussian government in 1818; in 1825–1826 it , supplied enough coin to the Bank of England to avert a liquidity crisis. Calmann (gentrified to "Carl") set up a branch in Naples. These sons of Mayer became known as the "five arrows" of banking. 19th century, becoming major stakeholders in large-scale mining and rail transport ventures. In partnership with N M Rothschild & Sons they owned the Chemin de Fer du Nord railway in France. Jacob’s daughter Charlotte married Nathan’s son Nathaniel de Rothschild, who in 1853 acquired Château Brane Mouton, a vineyard in Pauillac and renamed the estate Château Mouton Rothschild; his uncle/father-in-law bought the prestigious neighboring vineyard, Château Lafite, in 1868. In 1847 Anthony Nathan de Rothschild was created 1st Baronet de Rothschild, of Tring Park; the title passed to his nephew Nathan Mayer Rothschild II, who was created Baron Rothschild in 1885; in 1850 Nathan’s eldest son Lionel de Rothschild became the first practicing Jewish member of the British Parliament; he financed the British government's 1875 purchase of Egypt's interest in the Suez Cana; in 1869 his son Alfred became a director of the Bank of England, a post he held for 20 years. In the 20th century Maurice de Rothschild was forced out of de Rothschild Frères by his cousins, but he inherited a fortune from the childless Adolph Carl von Rothschild of the Naples branch, moved to Geneva, and established a new Swiss branch of the family. In 1873 de Rothschild Frères and N. M. Rothschild & Sons joined with other investors to acquire the Spanish government's money-losing Rio Tinto copper mines; the new owners restructured the company and turned it into a profitable business, and by 1905, the Rothschild interest in the mines amounted to more than 30%. In 1883 they established the Caspian and Black Sea Oil Industry and Trade Society, which became heavily involved in oil exploration in the Baku area of Azerbaijan. (By 1900 Azerbaijan was the world’s leading oil producing region; in 1911, the Rothschilds sold their Azerbaijabi oil fields to the Royal Dutch Shell company.) In 1887, the French and English Rothschilds lent money to the De Beers diamond mines in South Africa, becoming its largest shareholders. In 1898, the Rothschilds established the Mazut Transportation Society, which developed a fleet of oil tankers operating in the Caspian Sea. The French and British branches merged in 2003; today they have over 4000 clients in 90 countries.


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